When you hear this saying, “Slow and Steady Wins The Race”, one word comes to mind and that is Consistency.

Consistency simply means behaving or doing things in a particular way for a period of time, to appear fair or to achieve a result.
For many individuals and professionals, consistency remains the greatest challenge towards the accomplishment of their set goals. But just like every other human attitude, being consistent is not something that one is born with so it can be learnt.
How do you move from being an inconsistent person to becoming consistent?
Personally, being consistent is something I have been struggling with for some years. This article was actually supposed to be written before now, but I had to reach my “30days consistency journey” that I set out to reach before addressing the topic. Well, I reached it yesterday.
You may say “30 days is too small”, why should I be happy about such a little thing? For someone like me who was so inconsistent when it came to activities(not people), this is something I am proud of and hope to get better at.
Don’t let anyone deceive you, Consistency is hard. It takes conscious and continual efforts to be consistent.
There will be days you got to keep up with your daily or weekly routine tasks, but you aren’t in the mood, maybe you are tired or you are just too busy to handle that particular task.
Ever been in such a situation?
I guess you have. I believe everyone has been in such a situation at one point or the other in their lives.
I am not the type to have every activity I want to engage in planned out, but I try to ensure I keep to the ones I do on a daily, weekly or even monthly basis.
How can you become consistent?
Below are 3 practical ways I believe everyone desiring to be consistent can apply in order to improve their level of consistency.
Be intentional and disciplined:
Draft what you aim to achieve with a particular task, this will enable you to become more intentional about it. It is not just about making up your mind to do something, you have to discipline yourself too.
(Here is a post to show you how to draft an effective plan for your Personal Growth)
Reduce your excuses :
When you are not able to meet up with a particular routine task, don’t give unnecessary excuses for your failure to meet up, instead, try to find out why you couldn’t and work on it so you could achieve such a task next time.
Don’t aim to be perfect:
Perfection isn’t bad but making it look like a do or die affair is. Once in a while, you might not be able to finish some certain routine tasks you planned finishing for solid reasons, don’t give up, try again immediately you are able to. Consistency isn’t perfection.
You can be consistent in anything, it doesn’t necessarily have to be something huge. It could be having to brush your teeth every night before going to bed, laying your bed before you set out, ETC. If you can learn consistency in your personal tasks, then when you are faced with larger tasks in the office space, in your career journey or anything else, it will not be so difficult to handle.
If you are the inconsistent type and you want to work on being consistent.
Start small. For example, if you have 5 weekly tasks in mind, you can start with 2, then as weeks go by, add up the rest. Starting with all at once won’t work for many people, because consistency is something you are trying to build, so it’s better to start gradually.
Don’t forget, “slow and steady wins the race”.